Gender Equality Policy

Atlantis is committed to gender balance, as reflected in the composition of its editorial team, board of advisors and board of referees.

  • Inclusive Language Policy:  Authors are required to use inclusive language that avoids any biases or expressions that discriminate against groups of people based on race, gender or socioeconomic status. In particular, they are expected to avoid writing in a manner that promotes, reinforces or exploits questionable, unfair or irrelevant distinctions between or attitudes about the sexes. Likewise, they are expected to avoid using language that demeans, ignores or stereotypes any sex.
  • Gender and Sex in Research: Research studies should avoid stereotypes and gender biases that adopt the male gender as a universal reference or naturalize socially constructed discriminatory differences. Likewise, the text must inform about whether the research original data take gender or sex into account, in such a way that possible differences between genders can be identified.